Lightspeed Analytics™ - CatchOn 에디션에 대해 알아보기

Lightspeed Analytics™에 대해 알아보기 - CatchOn Edition 웹 세미나 표지 이미지

Lightspeed is always looking for ways to improve our solutions to help educators make the most of edtech, so we’re thrilled to have welcomed CatchOn to expand the capacities of Lightspeed Analytics™ to solve critical problems in K-12 education.

In this webinar, the Lightspeed team sits down with the CTO of Lincoln Public Schools (NE) who is leveraging the power of data analytics to achieve results. In this discussion and product demo, you’ll learn how, thanks to Lightspeed 분석, districts can now provide real-time, data-driven answers to key questions:

  • What apps are my students actually using and when?
  • Which educational resources are correlated with the best results?
  • What is the cost per actual user of each app my district has purchased?
  • What is the data privacy policy of every app my community is using?