young girl at a laptop - safety and wellness header

Security & Compliance

Proactive Student Safety with Lightspeed Safety & Wellness: 24/7/365 Alert Review

Improve school climate and have Proactive Student Safety

Lightspeed’s Safety & Wellness solution helps schools have proactive student safety, allowing early intervention and more effective support. Combining online activity monitoring and risk analysis with 24/7/365 human review and threat escalation, the Safety & Wellness solution enables schools to reach struggling students earlier and take life-changing steps to protect their community.

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Lightspeed Alert™

Lightspeed Alert™ is an at-risk student identification tool that monitors and analyses student online activity for signs of self-harm, violence, and bullying. By enabling early intervention, Lightspeed Alert empowers schools to have proactive student safety.

Lightspeed Classroom Management™

Lightspeed Classroom Management™ helps teachers effectively manage classrooms in this 1:1 world. Save teachers time with real-time visibility and control of student device activity, so teachers can provide support and ensure devices are being used properly.

Get visibility into warning signs you wouldn’t normally see

Gain insights into student online activity with device and integration level scanning. Separate signal from noise across applications, browsers, and productivity suites for earlier risk identification.

Warning signs screenshot
Escalation list screenshot

Prioritise valuable support resources

Augment school resources with 24/7/365 human review of alerts, allowing school staff to prioritise intervention before critical events occur.

Get relevant incident information for rapid decision-making

Empower staff with important context, including screenshots, browser history, and case notes for rapid and informed decision-making.

Case management screenshot

Monitor student screens for harmful online behaviour

Monitor student screens and quickly record inappropriate online behaviour so incidents of cyberbullying, harassment, and other harmful behaviour can be documented and addressed.

Learn more about our Proactive Student Safety with Lightspeed Safety & Wellness solution

Illustrad hero graphic with profanity and student at laptop cyberbullying

Solutions to Prevent Cyberbullying in Schools

Cyberbullying and threatening online behaviour have become prevalent in schools.

Worried female student Suicide prevention hero image

Suicide Prevention

Suicide is a leading cause of death for young people ages 10-24.

Hero illustrated graphic of students with devices and social media icons floating in background

Social Media Safety

Students live on social media, but it can be dangerous and distracting when it comes to school.

Hero image of student typing on laptop keyboard

Student Online Safety

Web filtering in today’s schools is about more than blocking and allowing websites. It’s about keeping students safe across the internet—from web apps to chat rooms, YouTube to TikTok.

Ofsted E-safety

With Ofsted eSafety becoming a bigger part of inspections, Lightspeed Systems helps schools provide the highest level of safeguarding, monitoring, and management necessary with intuitive tools for…

Hero illustration duty guidance compliance graphic

Prevent Duty Guidance

With Lightspeed Filter™ and Lightspeed Alert™, schools can adhere to the Prevent duty guidance and keep students safe from radicalisation and extremist content.

Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) hero graphic

Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)

Lightspeed Systems is a proud member of the IWF and has worked with them for over 10 years to give our customers the best protection against harmful sites.

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Lightspeed solutions help schools meet all the online safety criteria included in the statutory KCSIE Guidance.

Ofsted e-safety compliance hero graphic


Whether it's Ofsted or KCSIE, schools and organisations in the UK have a number of different eSafety regulations to adhere to.

Web Content Filtering Software for Schools

When you’re evaluating web filtering solutions, you have to think about many different components, from ensuring CIPA compliance to managing your BYOD program.

Gun free zone sign on fence School violence prevention header

School Violence Prevention

Prevent on-campus violence with real-time indicators.

Safety Specialist image of man on phone

Meet the Lightspeed Safety Specialists

With Lightspeed Alert™—our student safety monitoring system—we've assembled a team of trained safety specialists to review each case of student self-harm, cyberbullying, and more.