Use YouTube in schools as a safe learning resource
YouTube is full of great educational videos that can enrich online learning. Unfortunately, YouTube video filtering used to be difficult or error-prone: managing custom lists, trusting the categories set by the uploaders, and fighting the lack of easy customization of YouTube restricted mode.
But with Lightspeed Systems®, safe, educational YouTube access for students is easy and customizable. With SmartPlay™, a YouTube video purifier included with Filtre Lightspeed™, you get a variety of controls to provide just the access you want, which gives students access to educational videos, and only educational videos.

Millions of educational videos in a click
Lightspeed SmartPlay leverages our unrivaled database to categorize videos, so you can turn on educational YouTube videos in a click and block any inappropriate and distracting content.
Cut the YouTube comments and sidebars
Protect students in your school from some of the worst content on YouTube in comments and recommended videos sidebars. With one click, the YouTube video purifier removes access to comments and sidebars, giving students a safe, appropriate, distraction-free YouTube experience.

Safe YouTube access anywhere
With SmartPlay YouTube purifier, you can enable a safe, native YouTube experience for students in the classroom or learning remotely. Share allowed videos or embed them in your LMS to supplement digital lessons.
Customizable YouTube lists for learning
SmartPlay is backed by the most comprehensive K-12 database to categorize what’s educational on YouTube—but different schools have different needs. Customize your school’s YouTube access by easily adding or removing videos and channels, such as teacher and school YouTube channels needed to enhance learning.