Nicole Allien headshot

Lightspeed Systems Nicole Allien

Senior Product Specialist

About Nicole Allien

Nicole Allien is a Senior Product Specialist at Lightspeed Systems, where she uses her extensive teaching and instructional technologist experience to help school districts create safe, secure, and equitable learning environments. Connect with Nicole on LinkedIn

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Be a know IT all featured image - brain
  • Blog Post

Be a Know IT All: 6 Questions IT Leaders Need to Answer

As we return to life after ISTELive 24 in Denver, the Lightspeed team and I are filled with gratitude for the valuable connections we made with customers during the conference.

A teacher celebrating student success in the classroom.
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Celebrating Student Success in the Classroom

A big part of the teaching profession involves pointing out mistakes, correcting errors and the like.

Image of student in class
  • Blog Post

Shooting for the Stars: Teachers Who Matter

Teachers who matter play a crucial role in shaping the lives of their students, and many of us can vividly recall that one special teacher who made a lasting impact.

Image of empty school classroom
  • Blog Post

Creating a Seating Chart in Lightspeed Classroom Management™

Did you know you can create a seating chart with Lightspeed Classroom Management? If you didn’t, then you’re certainly not alone! 

Teacher's desk at front of classroom, with books, blocks, crayons and a red apple.
  • Blog Post

Minimizing Classroom Distractions

Classroom distractions are as old as classrooms themselves, and minimizing classroom distractions has been the bane of teachers’ existence for as long as every teacher can remember.