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Lightspeed Systems Rob Chambers

VP, Platform Strategy

About Rob Chambers

Rob makes sure from implementation through ongoing use, schools get the greatest, quickest results from our solutions.

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kids using tech surrounded by technological symbols
  • Blog Post

Beyond Simplicity: Ensuring Comprehensive Student Safety in the Digital Age

Recently, edtech companies have been targeting district IT leaders with the promise of free and simple browser-based solutions for web filtering and online student safety monitoring.

Admin reporting graphic
  • Blog Post

Data-Driven Decisions in Education: Exploring Lightspeed Filter’s Reporting Capabilities

School district information technology (IT) departments play a crucial role in protecting networks and equipping staff with the insights they need to tackle everyday challenges.

Smart Agents students on laptop. Filter bypass prevention.
  • Blog Post

Stay Ahead of K-12 Security Threats with Lightspeed Filter Bypass Prevention

School districts face a daunting challenge in safeguarding their networks, data, and users against external and internal threats.