Professional development is critical to ensuring teachers have the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to be successful, but it’s often difficult to pinpoint specific areas where teachers may benefit from a little more training. This is where data-driven professional development can be a major asset.
Data-driven professional development leverages application usage data flowing across your school-issued devices to help inform professional development gaps, planning, and course development.

How to prevent good edtech from going to waste
District admins purchased incredible K-12 online curriculum in hopes of elevating mathematical learning for third and fourth grade but aren’t sure if anyone is using it. Instead of relying on word-of-mouth feedback or arbitrary survey responses, district leaders can deploy an informative data analytics tool like Lightspeed Analytics™ to track real-time usage on every school device. With quantitative, measurable data, district leaders can immediately identify which apps are not being used effectively, determine whether more professional development is needed or warranted, and track the apps’ progress over the next school year to determine if your professional development investment paid off.

Using data to test new ideas
In every school, there is at least one technology-enthusiast who is always willing and ready to try something new. Why not harness their pioneering nature to improve learning district-wide?
Lightspeed Analytics enables districts to see all the apps being used on school devices, including those they aren’t aware of. After reviewing their dashboard, a leadership team may discover that one educator is using an app across all his or her reading classes and attaining great results. Based on the data, a district may decide to further invest in the application by providing professional development and rolling it out district wide.

Ensure teacher buy-in with data
Achieving buy-in from teachers on worthy professional development topics can sometimes be challenging because of their busy schedules. One advantage of creating professional development courses based on classroom app usage data is the direct correlation you can draw between the professional development course and student learning outcomes. Educators participating in a professional development event—one with a concrete, tangible evidence supporting its mission—will often be more engaged and invested in the training.
Interested in learning more about Lightspeed Analytics?
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