Como os distritos podem combater as crescentes ameaças escolares

Imagem da capa do webinar Como os distritos podem combater o aumento das ameaças escolares

On top of everything schools are grappling with, they’re also dealing with a sharp rise in school threats and disruptive student behavior.  

To combat this, some districts are bringing together SROs and mental health services. The thought being, if districts can alleviate mental health issues, they can reduce on-campus violence and disruptive behavior.  

This strategy was explored by a panel of experts, brought together by Raptor Technologies® and Lightspeed Systems®. They shared innovative ways districts around the country are making this a critical component of their intervention strategy and reducing school threats.  

Learn how you can do the same. Watch the on-demand webinar now to discover: 

  • What measures districts are putting in place, and what’s working 
  • How to bring mental health services and SROs closer together to mitigate risks 
  • Tools to support your emergency prevention and response strategy 
  • A ligação entre saúde mental não controlada e violência e a importância da intervenção precoce.
  • Exemplos de programas de prevenção e preocupações emergentes para as quais se deve preparar.
  • Indicações de comportamentos ou pensamentos suicidas, juntamente com programas de prevenção de automutilação que podem ajudar.